Aware of your needs
Film crew tools and solutions

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Our products

Why you should select LogFlick products

Easy set up

We have created users’ friendly interfaces that fits to all types of productions requirement and staff experiences.

Time saving opportunities

Save hours of effort daily thanks to digitally collection of on-set and off set information, that you can quickly send by e-mail or your preferable method at any time you need.

Keep it clear and clean

Create clean and clear compelling reports and avoid paperwork processing and misunderstandings.

Introducing Camera Report app:
made for AC’s by AC’s

LogFlick for iOS

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Brief details About us

It is a company that designs, develops, and trades filmmaking workflow specialized apps. Logflick seeks to improve, certain, methodologies and working tools of the film crafting to enhance the quality of service of its filmmakers. We are a multicultural team with 10 years of experience in film productions based in the Czech Republic.

Kamil Patty

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